
Diplomatic missions demand professionals who understand personnel protection services and asset protection in ever changing, high risk environments.  Blue Hackle minimizes security vulnerabilities that may affect diplomatic personnel, assets and operations.  We provide services discreetly, professionally and globally.


Blue Hackle understands the challenges.  Diplomatic missions can take people to high threat areas where the local political climate can be unpredictable and challenging.  Poor or contentious security can lead to political consequences that will negatively impact the embassy’s mission critical goals.  To ensure the safety of staff, visitors, high-ranking diplomatic officials and VIPs, expedient, on-site response from a locally trusted team familiar with high-risk areas is critical.  The security challenges of diplomatic missions may include:


Blue Hackle has personnel to meet the challenges.   Complex security requirements demand highly trained and knowledgeable personnel who can meet challenges from Day One.  We will provide mature professionals who are culturally acclimated and comfortable in the region and environment.  Since 2004 Blue Hackle employees helped successfully execute diplomatic security contracts in remote, austere, and high-risk security environments like Afghanistan, Iraq, and Africa.  Blue Hackle personnel will:

Blue Hackle recruits, trains, and retains only the highest caliber security personnel and other professionals to secure lives, protect assets, and reduce risk.  Please click here for more information about Blue Hackle leadership and  how our staff are qualified to help with all Agency security needs.


Blue Hackle will lower risk.  The most effective security is multi-layered and multi-dimensional. Multi-layered security is the physical, human, and electronic means to manage, mitigate, and minimize security risks.  Multi-dimensional security involves security capabilities beyond mitigating immediate risks.  Blue Hackle has pioneered this form of analysis and operational technique, and will optimize it meet security requirements.  We provide these services discreetly, professionally, and globally.





Blue Hackle Brings Added Value.   Blue Hackle minimizes security vulnerabilities that affect diplomatic personnel and assets operating in high-risk environments.  As a founding signatory to the International Code of Conduct for Private Security Companies, Blue Hackle has a deep understanding of how to operate in accordance with the high standards of engagement where diplomatic compounds are located.  We know the major challenges that affect diplomatic facilities and missions, and are dedicated to delivering a low-profile approach that protects people, secures assets, and ensures success.

Our commitment to our corporate philosophy allows us to bring added value.  Learn more about the Blue Hackle philosophy here.